7 Apr 2018

On the discovery of Base Camp features

Lots of things to do nowadays, like Pathways Ambassador and Guide! Less time for the moment to continue on my path. But I have been General Evaluator yesterday, and wanted to add it to my roles. 
At the same time, I discovered differences between the huge amount of Online Classes offered, more then 50 different ones, outside the Paths and projects. What IS the difference between the "Complete  Level Overview" and "Completing a Level"? 

I opened one by one a few "Overview" classes: Texts, and some sending, in my opinion in wrong directions through menus in plus. I believe, they were written before the videos. 

On the other hand the "Completing a Level" video was very wonderful! Wish I had it a year ago, wish more look at it when arrive at that stage! Because, as we do complete the last project in a Level, a page pops up, and we read it then do not know what to do! Do not even see that the button of Level Completion has changed to Mark Completed. Do not realize it is up to us to click on it. Then only wait for the Level approval. The video explain very clearly how it works! Even shows us, how later, when the Level was approved by a Base Camp Manager, the next Level Projects can be suddenly Activated then Launched (in any order I may add, even if the video tutorial does not mention it). 

Take your time to discover a few of the videos, all with the pathways logo on them.

And here are my roles: I was General Evaluator yesterday.
And I discovered yet another place from which we can arrive to our "Universal Transcript"
Still at Level 4 of Dynamic Leadership, and just after the Icebreaker on the 2 others, one in English the second in French. As I have a French Club from Tunisia as Guide, perhaps the opportunity will come to advance in French! Already learned a lot by reading the Level one Project which well "unlocked" to me as soon as I finished the Icebreaker. 
Here are my last three awards, attributed to three different clubs. DTM Masters in January and Yaquina Toastmasters in February as a farewell gift. Lewisham Speakers end March, as a welcome to Launch in my home club gift. Beside the base camp approval of the Level, 2 or 3 or 5 an officer had to declare it to the Club Central at their club in TMI. 

In all the three cases, it was the President of the Club that did that, but any club officer could do it, there. It is only in Base camp that the approval of Level is a Task only for the base camp managers: VPE or President, or Secretary. 

Happy camper! My Web connection is working again!


Unknown said...

Yes, I struggled to fully understand the approval system for Pathways projects, levels and Paths as it was not clear to me how the Base Camp Manager could see proof that I have actually performed and completed all of the steps, apart from me marking each Level complete.
In the old system, each project was clearly initialled by the VPE in the manual.
Is there any documentation that we need to collect in order for the Base Camp Manager to approve our progress?

Julie Kertesz - me - moi - jk said...

The approval process for Pathways projects is based on Ralph initial decision: there is not Fail/Pass at Toastmasters.
Each of us is responsible for what learns and how we develop.
So, we do the Auto-assessment After... and Save to signal Base Camp we finished the tasks. That all it takes to add a check on the project.

As we are not in school no "professor" has to examine "how we did" so we do not have to show Evaluation form completed to anyone. It is for us. Indeed the VPE or any other BCM marks complete a Level so we can go further, but only in extreme cases will ask us how or when we have done our tasks. Usually, he or she will listen to us delivering the after tasks speech in the club. Will have also the agenda. We get (or not) a right to give speeches outside, perhaps best to prevent (or ask "permission"). In my clubs, for long long time, no one looked and initiated the manuals. We do not need documentation to show for approval.

If we "cheat" we only do it to our development for which as adults we are totally responsible.